
All the information available on this website belongs to and we assure about the user’s privacy & cover all the essentials steps to maintain the privacy of our site. The main aspect of a privacy policy is to inform the users how we are collecting and using their personal information in a legal way as per laws legitimate in UAE. Users must need to read out the policy and if you are not agreed then must have to avoid the use website or services of SavioPlus UAE. All the services provided by our website are open to users who are 18 and above in age.

What we Track & Use

SavioPlus maintain the track of their visitors on their web servers and record the basic information that includes both personal & non-personal details. Some of the central information that our server records – IP addresses, browser details, total time spend, services used and referred pages. The information track of the visitors are used only for maintenance and routine supervision for appropriate data safety laws in the UAE

Usage of Cookies

The SavioPlus site makes use of cookies to enhance the users experience whenever they visit our website. When users use the coupons and offers from our portal to purchase online then our servers track the user’s using these cookies. Cookies are saved automatically to the user’s devices which save and hold the information of the user’s interactions, usage, and visits of the site. However, these cookies are helpful and small in size usually terminate after 30 days, or maybe longer.

Manage your own Privacy

By using the browser setting users can disable the cookies to restrict the interference in their privacy. But it’s not recommended to disable the cookies as it can hinder the features of some sites. For a better experience, user’s can enable or disable cookies manually on particular sites to avoid third-party access.


The Savio plus site is highly protected with the multi-layered security to defend and safeguard the user’s information share on our website. Moreover, we don’t take the charge of 100% guarantee of data safety transferred over the web nor put off the illicit access by third parties. Any sort of transmission of personal information to the website is all up to you.